Wednesday, 4 December 2024
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National Council of Vocational and Research Training is an autonomous body, Recognized by Government of India New Delhi. During the British period, Wood’s Dispatch of 1854 contemplated prevocational education. Indian Education Commission (1882), popularly known as Hunter commission also recommended the introduction of practical subjects in secondary schools Mahatma Gandhi, for the first time, insisted that manual and productive work should not only be an integral part of education but should center round it. The Education commission (1964-66) also recommended a 10-year schooling and diversification into two streams – academic and vocational at plus 2.
The National Policy on Education. 1986 further emphasized its importance and observed: "The introduction of systematic, well planned and rigorously implemented programme of vocational education is crucial in the proposed educational re-organization. Vocational education will be a distinct stream intended to prepare students for identified vocations spanning several areas of activity."
The Government of India considers Vocational Education and Training (VET) as an important element of the nation’s education initiative. In order for VET to play its part effectively in the changing national context and for India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements of imparting vocational education to make them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and creative. The Government is well aware of the important role of VET and has already taken a number of important initiatives. Through consultations with industry groups, academics, civil society and practitioners, Government of India has deliberated ways and means to strengthen these initiatives and recommends. Under this government law and order process, National Council of Vocational and Research Training in New Delhi promoting the extreme services to nation.