Franchise Procedure

  • 1. First sends request mail for Training center to NCVRT.
    2. NCVRT provides doc information sheet to Franchisee.
    3. Training center delivers Franchisee Application form to NCVRT with all Documents along with DD.
    4. After completion of verification process NCVRT will send application status mail.
    5. After completion of verification process NCVRT will send application status mail.
    6. NCVRT sends agreement copy and T & C documents to Franchisee.
    7. NCVRT sends design of Flex, Pamphlet, Forms and Course-Brochure.

Detail of Franchise Procedure

  • Step I – Submission of the Application Form
  • 1 .Any Person/Institute/Society/Trust/Organization can open Training Center.
    2.Apply franchisee Application form with complete details of Applicant, premises, available hardware, plans for business development.
  • Step II - Processing & Approval
  • 3. Please send franchisee form along with all required documents with DD as an Processing & Charges Rs. 15,000 (Fifteen Thousand only) by DD in favor of (National Council of Vocational and Research Training) PAYABLE at New Delhi and send across to our Head Office. The said processing and approval charges are non refundable after the date of approval. In case the proposed site is not found suitable then amount of DD will be refund.
    4. entire process of franchisee complete with in 15 to 20 days.
  • Step III– Agreement
  • 5. Once your franchisee application is approved, NCVRT Education Center will send you agreement document, it is valid for 1 (ONE) year. Renewal fee of franchisee centre is Rs. 3000/- per year. In case if any required document is pending and we not receive agreement within a week of approval, your franchisee application will be CANCEL and processing & approval charges are non refundable after the date of approval. Design of Advertisement and publicity material will be hand over after the final launch of the new centre.
  • Step IV– Marketing Support
  • 6. For the development and advertisement of your centre, NCVRT Head Office will provide you guidance. For the initial advertisement of your center NCVRT provide design format of main flex, pamphlets & Poster to Training center. NCVRT do not force you for centralized expensive add, instead NCVRT Education Center ask you to focus more on local newspaper advertisement as students from local 4-10 km area will join your centre. NCVRT would like to open Training Center all over India at Village, Town, Tehsil and District LeveL.
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